Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Summer in t-minus two days.

This isn't an epiphany, exactly. I've finally accepted the end of the school term. Before today I couldn't come to grips with the idea, but it's finally sunk in. Simultaneously, the traditional craving to make a list of summer goals overcame me. I will reflect on the success or failure of these ambitions during the week before classes next school term.

Summer goals
- be an awesome intern for Ramon
- be a great house-guest of P.D.S
- be a terrific employee for Conspiracy Comics
- read at least ten books
- constantly create personal artwork, including some sequential narrative series (dinosaurs/inner dragons)
. . . - develop your infomational graphic ability with self-made projects, keep motivated by regularly discussing/making art with others
- explore Toronto via bike and GPS, make note of great picnic, hang-out and party locations
- maintain inner dragon's health and happiness
- design new layouts for Epiphany and Arwen's Art blogs
. . . - pay close attention to the world; regularly update both blogs
- visit the lake regularly (fly a kite, have a beer, play battleship)
- be present in everything you do (in art, work, and with friends) and continue not to take anything for granted

Friday, April 16, 2010

They were alien TRANSVESTITES.

I spent some time looking at names of my friends today. I tried counting the letters in their names. I won't tell you why, because I want to remain a creature of mystery, but what does matter is what I discovered while staring into these names; it was unexpectedly hard for me to count the letters. If I read the word of someone's name their face, their laugh, and their personality shone so brightly beyond the word that I saw the word as a representational image. It no longer existed as individual letters composing someone's name, it became the person. There were no letters. It was not a name. It was not a word. It was a personality so strong and unique that the letters no longer existed. My friend, whom I love so uniquely and differently from the personality 'written' above and below someone elses 'name', all of them brilliant examples of themselves represented as 'words' that I could no longer see on a screen.

It made me think a lot about how important existing as a social organism is. People who enjoy others company have stronger immune systems, they are happier and healthier than people who don't enjoy a social lifestyle. Humans are designed to party. We're meant to exist with other people and draw on each others energies in an endless exchange. There's just gotta be more glass-full people spilling their happy into other people's cups, and other people's cups should be more receptive to glass-full people. More positive energy should be flowing, pulsing and conquering over the pessimism and aggression that trigger negativity.

Imagine every person you meet scraping temporary sidewalk sunshine in your heart. The residue of a lifelong friendship captured in romanticizing the slow drag of a cigarette as the sun rises at five in the morning on an Indian Summer day. Existing in every moment and drinking the vital essence of life. Fuck all y'all for being so goddamn beautiful and awesome.